Tuesday 6 December 2011

Media Evaluation Final Product Evaluation

Media final product evaluation
1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge media forms and conventions?
Our media product used several conventions of those that are present within a professional music video made for a famous band. One of these is the use of a variety of different shots, e.g. the close up and extreme close-up shots. Many amateur music videos do not have many of these shots in them. However, professional ones do and I feel that we have included a substantial amount of these shots in our product.

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
In my opinion, the combination of our main product and ancillary texts worked well and was reasonably effective. This is because we kept a consistent style between our main product and the ancillary texts e.g. we tied in the style of the ancillary texts with the main product and kept the theme/feel of the music video the same for each of our products. Also, the ancillary texts clearly promote the artist of the song and give the audience an idea of what sort of band it is and also what to expect in the music video.

3. What have you learned from your feedback?
From our feedback, we have learnt that we should improve our organisation. The reason for this is because some of he shots in our music video are quite long because we did not have sufficient footage to add in more shots to replace some of the longer ones. Also, we learnt that we needed a wider variety of costumes for the characters that starred in the music video, in order to make it more convincing as a professional product. Another thing we learnt is that the overall storyline and narrative of our music video was interesting and kept the viewer entertained, and we had also added in a picture of a girl to give the audience a better idea of what was going on, as suggested by previous feedback for our rough cut.

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction research, planning and evaluation stages?
We used new media technologies in the construction research aspect of developing our music video such as the use of the internet – we searched for images of bands which were similar to the one which we had chosen for our video and took notes of what sort of costumes they were wearing to give us inspiration. This was also used for developing our ancillary texts, as we needed ideas for what sort of things we could include on the album covers and the magazine advert. In the planning stage of our final product, we used YouTube to gather ideas about how we could carry out the performances in the music video, e.g. how the singer acts and what kind of things he does and also what sort of narratives would usually be found in music videos within a similar genre to ours. In addition to this, we drew out as many ideas as we could for the numerous different shots which would be present in our music video on sheets of paper, and then took pictures of each separate one and we then created an anamatic – a presentation of all of our shot ideas which we put where we wanted them to be in the song. We used this as a template for the actual filming of our music video. In the evaluation stage of our music video project, we used the blogging website “Blogger” to type out all of the feedback which we had received for the final cut of our music video.

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